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  • EPIC


Castable jewelry material

Brand : Envisiontec
Code: : EPIC
Availability: : In Stock
EPIC is an Exceptional Plastic Investment Casting material. It is highly recommended for special order retail and other jewelry customers who require flexibility between large and small pieces and have expert-level quality control in casting.
A low-wax 3D printing material, containing 8% liquid wax, EPIC delivers results similar to EnvisionTEC’s wax-free PIC material: stiff and crisp details with outstanding surface finish.
While PIC is recommended for delicate pieces up to 5 grams finish weight, such as jewelry pieces, the additional wax gives EPIC additional flexibility up to 12 grams of finish weight. EnvisionTEC recommends casting EPIC with Ransom & Randolph’s PlastiCast PT or other extra-high-strength investments.
  • Viscosity: 361.7 MPa
  • Tensile Strength: 16.8 MPa
  • Elongation at Break: 7.46%
  • Flexural Strength: 23.0 MPa
  • Flexural Modulus: 404.0 MPa
  • Bending Strain: 10.2%
  • Izod Impact – Notched: 11.03 kJ/m2
  • Density: 1.178 g/cm3
  • Hardness (Shore D): 69
  • Ignition Temperature: 350°C
  • Color: Transparent Green