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R05 Grey/Orange

Plastic material for robust, accurate, and functional parts.

Brand : Envisiontec
Code: : R05 Grey/Orange
Availability: : In Stock

R5 is a liquid photopolymer that produces robust, accurate, and functional parts. The material offers superior chemical resistance, a wide processing latitude, and excellent tolerance to a broad temperature and humidity range during and after build. Parts created from R5 exhibit superior fatigue properties, strong memory retention, and high quality up-facing and down-facing surfaces. R5 also offers a good balance of properties between rigidity and functionality.


  • Tensile Strength: 31-39 MPa (ASTM Method D638M)
  • Elongation at Break: 11-25 % (ASTM Method D638M)
  • Elongation at Yield: 16 % (ASTM Method D638M)
  • Modulus of Elasticity: 1,245-1,510 MPa (ASTM Method D638M)
  • Flexural Strength: 40-45 MPa (ASTM Method D790M)
  • Flexural Modulus: 1,190-1,383 MPa (ASTM Method D790M)
  • Izod Impact-Notched: 0.27-0.50 J/cm (ASTM Method D256A)
  • Hardness (Shore D): 81 Shore (ASTM Method D2204)
  • Water Absorption: 0.78 % (ASTM Method D570-98)
  • Graves Tear: 154,287 N/m (ASTM Method D1004)
  • C.T.E. -40°C – 0°C: 55 – 63 μm/m*K (ASTM Method E381-00)
  • C.T.E. 0°C – 50°C: 88 – 94 μm/m*K (ASTM Method E381-00)
  • C.T.E. 50°C – 100°C: 170 – 189 μm/m*K (ASTM Method E381-00)
  • C.T.E. 100°C – 150°C: 192 – 201 μm/m*K (ASTM Method E381-00)
  • Glass Transition Temperature: 37 – 52°C (ASTM Method E1545-00)
  • HDT @ 0.46 MPa: 84.5 – 102.6°C (ASTM Method D648-98c)
  • HDT @ 1.81 MPa: 65.4 – 88°C (ASTM Method D648-98c)

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